Thoracic and Foregut Conditions Treatment

Thoracic and Foregut

Conveniently located to serve Danville

Welcome to our compassionate and patient-centric care center, where we specialize in providing personalized solutions for a wide range of thoracic and foregut conditions. We understand that dealing with issues like esophageal disorders and chest conditions can be challenging, and that’s why our skilled and experienced surgeons are dedicated to delivering the highest standard of care to Danville patients.

At our facility, we go beyond the traditional medical approach. We believe in tailoring our cardiovascular and thoracic treatments to each individual’s unique needs, ensuring you receive the most effective and personalized care possible. When it comes to thoracic conditions, foregut conditions, and esophageal disorders, our commitment to your well-being is unwavering.

We employ cutting-edge technologies, including our state-of-the-art thoracic ultrasound lab studies, to diagnose and treat these conditions accurately. However, it’s not just about the tools; it’s about the people who use them. Our medical team is not only highly skilled but also deeply compassionate. We understand that a holistic and patient-centered approach can make a world of difference in your healthcare journey.

Whether you’re dealing with chest conditions, esophageal disorders, or any other thoracic or foregut condition, our primary focus is on you. We aim to bring you relief and hope, supporting you on the path to better health and improved well-being. Contact us today and take the first step towards a brighter, healthier future. Your journey to recovery begins with us.

  • Lung Cancer

    Lung cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the lungs. It is the leading cause of death by cancer in the U.S., for both men and women. The risk of lung cancer greatly increases with cigarette smoking, making smokers the most at risk for this disease.

    Symptoms of Lung Cancer

    Thoracic and Foregut

    In its early stages, lung cancer typically does not show many symptoms. The more the disease develops, the more symptoms become noticeable. Some signs of lung cancer may include:

    • Shortness of breath
    • Coughing that doesn’t go away
    • Coughing up blood
    • Chest pain
    • Wheezing
    • Hoarseness
    • Bone pain
    • Headache
    • Weight loss

    Causes of Lung Cancer

    Thoracic and Foregut

    Smoking is the biggest cause of lung cancer, both for those who smoke and those who experience exposure to secondhand smoke. Lung cancer can develop in people who never smoked or were never exposed. In these cases, the causes are usually not clear. Some risk factors for lung cancer include:

    • Smoking
    • Exposure to secondhand smoke
    • Genetic risks (family history of the disease)
    • Exposure to radon gas
    • Exposure to asbestos or other carcinogens

    Procedures and Treatments for Lung Cancer

    Thoracic and Foregut

    If your physician diagnoses you with lung cancer, they will help you determine the best course of treatment. Treatments can include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted drug therapy, experimental treatments (clinical trials), or palliative care. If your doctor recommends surgery, some possible surgical procedures include:

    • Wedge Resection

      Thoracic and Foregut

      During this procedure, the surgeon removes a tumor from a section of the lung, as well as a margin of healthy tissue to assure no cancerous tissue is left behind. This may be a good option if the cancer is localized and the risk of cancer recurring is not very high.

    • Segmental Resection

      Thoracic and Foregut

      In this surgery, the surgeon removes a larger section of the lung with cancerous cells without removing an entire lobe. Like a wedge resection, this is a good option when the cancer is more localized, but it does increase the risk of recurring cancer.

    • Lobectomy

      Thoracic and Foregut

      This surgery involves removing an entire lobe of a lung affected by cancer. The right lung has three lobes and the left has two, so the lungs can still function even with the removal of a lobe.

    • Pneumonectomy
      A pneumonectomy is a surgery in which the surgeon removes an entire lung due to cancerous cells. Surgeons perform this procedure only when necessary since it greatly reduces overall lung function. The remaining lung, however, will eventually grow and take over some of the functions of the removed lung.

    Your surgeon may remove lymph nodes from the chest during the surgery to biopsy them and look for signs of spreading cancer.

  • Hyperhidrosis

    Hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes excessive sweating that is not necessarily related to the patient’s amount of activity. While hyperhidrosis is medically benign, it can affect a patient’s life in a negative way. Fortunately, there are ways to treat hyperhidrosis.

    Symptoms of Hyperhidrosis
    Most people sweat when they exercise, perform strenuous activities, or if they are nervous, anxious, or under stress. People with hyperhidrosis experience much more perspiration, and sometimes sweating can affect the person even while resting. Hyperhidrosis typically affects the hands, feet, underarms, or face. See your doctor if:

    • You begin to sweat a lot more than normal
    • You experience sweating at night for no apparent reason
    • Sweating disrupts your daily life

    Sudden excessive sweating may be a sign of a more serious condition. Call your doctor if you are also experiencing:

    • Lightheadedness
    • Chest pain
    • Chills
    • Fever
    • Nausea

    Causes of Hyperhidrosis
    If there is no underlying cause, the condition is called primary hyperhidrosis. It may be hereditary, but it can also just be a characteristic of an individual. Another type, secondary hyperhidrosis, is excessive sweating that is caused by another underlying condition. These conditions include:

    • Some medications
    • Infectious diseases
    • Heart attack
    • Low blood sugar
    • Diabetes
    • Menopause
    • Overactive thyroid
    • Nervous system conditions
    • Some cancers

    Procedures and Treatments for Hyperhidrosis
    Medical professionals can treat this condition with medications or with surgery. Prescription antiperspirants, nerve-blocking medications, Botulinum toxin injections, or even antidepressants can help control hyperhidrosis.

    Knowing the underlying cause is sometimes the most important step in determining how to treat the condition, which sometimes involves surgery. The typical surgical treatment for this condition is an Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy.

    Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy
    This procedure, often abbreviated by ETS, is a minimally invasive procedure that severs the nerves responsible for causing excessive sweating. The surgeon makes small incisions and uses small tools with cameras attached to aid in the clipping of the nerves. This procedure is normally a last resort and is done only if the patient’s hyperhidrosis cannot be controlled with medications.

  • Hernias of the Diaphragm

    A diaphragmatic hernia is a condition in which there is an abnormal opening in the diaphragm through which other organs of the body are protruding. Most often, a diaphragmatic hernia is a birth defect, but it can also occur from trauma. It is more common on the left side, and it can also severely affect lung and heart function.

    Symptoms of Diaphragmatic Hernias
    Some signs of the condition include:

    • Rapid breathing
    • Fast heart rate
    • Blue discoloration of the skin
    • Diminished breath sounds

    Procedures and Treatments for Diaphragmatic Hernias
    Hernias of the diaphragm are a medical emergency and require surgery. Surgeons can perform these repair surgeries as minimally invasive or open procedures. The surgeon will determine the best way to access the diaphragm, put the organs back in the correct placement, and repair the opening in the diaphragm.

  • Eventration of the Diaphragm

    Eventration of the diaphragm is an abnormal shape in the dome part of the diaphragm, which causes it to be much higher in the chest cavity than normal. Because of the incorrect placement of the organ, it cannot properly contract and can cause breathing problems or other issues. Normally, this is a congenital condition but can result from nerve issues or a thin diaphragm at birth.

    Symptoms and Causes of Diaphragmatic Eventration
    This condition is sometimes asymptomatic. Patients may experience the following symptoms:

    • Breathlessness
    • Cough
    • Recurring pneumonia or bronchitis
    • Arrhythmias
    • Pressure on the stomach
    • Chest pain

    This condition is typically congenital, so it most often presents in children. In adults, damage to the phrenic nerve, potentially from injury, infection, or cancer, usually causes this condition.

    Procedures and Treatments for Eventration of the Diaphragm
    Only those with a severe form of the condition typically need surgery. The most common surgery to treat eventration is a diaphragmatic plication. Surgeons can perform this surgery as an open operation or a minimally invasive one.

    During this procedure, the patient is put under general anesthesia, and multiple sutures are put into the top of the diaphragm. The diaphragm becomes “pleated” and tauter so that it is lowered to the correct position in the chest.

  • Mediastinal Tumors

    Mediastinal tumors are cancerous or benign growths in the mediastinum, which is the chest cavity that contains the heart, esophagus, trachea, and aorta. Both benign and malignant mediastinal tumors can be serious due to the pressure they cause on the important surrounding organs. There are three main kinds of mediastinal tumors.

    Thymoma is a disease in which malignant cancer cells grow on the surface of the thymus. The thymus is a small organ in the upper chest that makes white blood cells and helps protect the body against infections.

    Lymphoma is cancer that begins in lymphocytes, or the infection-fighting cells of the immune system. Non-Hodgkin and Hodgkin are the two types of lymphoma; they each affect different types of lymphocytes and require different courses of treatment.

    Germ Cell Tumor
    Germ cell tumors form from the type of immature cells which later would develop into eggs or sperm. These tumors can be malignant, but most are noncancerous.

    Symptoms of a Mediastinal Tumor
    Symptoms often present as a result of the pressure that the tumor is causing on other surrounding organs. Some possible signs of a mediastinal tumor include:

    • Chills
    • Fever
    • Chest pain
    • Shortness of breath
    • Coughing (sometimes with blood)
    • Hoarseness
    • Unexplained weight loss
    • Swollen lymph nodes
    • Wheezing
    • Stridor (high-pitched noise while breathing)

    Procedures and Treatments for Mediastinal Tumors
    The type of treatment will depend on the type of tumor, whether or not it is cancerous, the patient’s general health, and the technique of the physician.

    Thymomas usually require surgery after chemotherapy or radiation. Lymphomas typically are treated with both chemotherapy and radiation. Germ cell tumors are treated with surgery and may be coupled with other treatments if the tumor is cancerous. Most often, these surgeries are minimally invasive approaches, but they can also be performed as open operations.

  • Lung Nodules

    Lung nodules are small masses of tissue in the lungs that may or may not be cancerous. They are fairly common and are benign in most cases. The larger the nodule, the more likely it is to be malignant. Noncancerous lung nodules can be caused by previous infections and don’t always require treatment.

    Symptoms of Lung Nodules
    Benign nodules usually don’t have symptoms and are most often found during routine scans or exams. However, nodules can cause the following symptoms:

    • Coughing
    • Wheezing
    • Shortness of breath
    • Fever
    • Pneumonia

    Procedures and Treatments for Lung Nodules
    More often than not, lung nodules are benign, small, and don’t need treatment. Your doctor will probably observe the nodule over time to look for changes and growth that might suggest cancer. If cancer is present, treatment may include chemotherapy, radiation, or targeted drug therapy.

    If you need surgery for the benign or cancerous nodule, it probably will be done with a minimally invasive approach if possible. Your surgeon may remove a small section of the lung that contains the tumor, a larger section, a whole lobe, or an entire lung. Your physician will decide the best course of treatment.

  • Pectus Excavatum

    Pectus Excavatum is a condition in which a person’s breastbone is sunken into the chest, sometimes leaving a deep visible dent in the center of the chest. Usually, the condition is noticed at birth but becomes more severe as growth into adolescence occurs.

    This condition is more common in males than females, and its exact cause is unknown. If the condition is severe enough, it can interfere with heart and lung function.

    Symptoms of Pectus Excavatum
    Patients with this condition might need treatment if they experience the following symptoms:

    • Recurrent respiratory infections
    • Coughing and wheezing
    • Chest pain
    • Heart murmur
    • Heart palpitations
    • Decreasing exercise tolerance
    • Fatigue or weakness

    Procedures and Treatments for Pectus Excavatum
    Physical therapy might be enough to treat mild cases of the condition, but most often, surgery is required to relieve the patient of their symptoms.

    Pectus excavatum can be surgically repaired by removing deformed cartilage and placing the breastbone in the proper location with structural supports, or by placing curved metal bars under the breastbone to lift it. The bars are typically removed about two years later if the sternum has raised to a normal position.

  • Pectus Carinatum

    Pectus carinatum is an uncommon congenital condition that causes the sternum to protrude outward. This condition sometimes isn’t apparent until after an adolescent growth spurt. Most often, this condition is an aesthetic concern, but it can affect breathing and cause shortness of breath.

    Procedures and Treatments for Pectus Carinatum
    For children whose bones are still growing, and for those who have a less severe form of the condition, a brace that helps flatten the chest is typically the best treatment option. When the condition is severe or the bones are no longer growing, pectus carinatum may need to be treated surgically by altering the placement of cartilage and bone inside the chest.

  • Chest Wall Tumors

    Chest wall tumors are masses in the chest that can interfere with lung function. About half of all chest wall tumors are benign (noncancerous). There are many kinds of these tumors, but most malignant chest wall tumors are caused by metastasis from cancer in other organs.

    Symptoms of Chest Wall Tumors
    Oftentimes, these tumors are made up of soft tissues and do not cause symptoms, aside from those associated with cancers. Patients may have fevers and pain when the tumor has advanced. Hard tissue tumors, like those made of cartilage or bone, are usually very painful at the site.

    Procedures and Treatments for Chest Wall Tumors
    If the tumor is cancerous, the patient will usually undergo chemotherapy or radiation for treatment. Both benign and malignant masses may need to be surgically removed. With details depending on the type of mass and its location, the tumor will be surgically resected and the area will be reconstructed. These procedures can be either minimally invasive or open operations.


Thoracic and Foregut Conditions Treatment Cost

The total cost of Thoracic and Foregut Conditions surgery is determined based on factors like your medical examinations, surgeon’s fee, hospital charges, post-surgery garments, and anesthesia. The exact techniques used will also impact cost, as will the total time needed to perform the surgery.

Schedule Your Consultation

To arrange a consultation and find out more about treatment options for thoracic and foregut conditions in Danville, contact East Bay Cardiovascular & Thoracic Associates today. Our experts will perform an examination, diagnose your condition, and create a surgical plan to resolve the issue. Preparation, cost, and best practices for recovery can all be discussed during this consultation.

Very responsive to questions and concerns

“I am a physician myself and I will say he is the best Cardiothoracic surgeon that I have met. He did an open-heart surgery for my mom and I was very confident that my mom will be ok. He is very responsive to questions and concerns and has been in constant communication with me throughout.”


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